- He is 16 pounds, 11 ounces (+) and just over 27 inches long
- He loves to squeal!
- He talks all of the the time. Daycare says he talks all day long. Mostly da-da and ga-ga. We are trying to show him who mommy and daddy are, but we wont be surprised if his first word is doggy
- He has discovered that he can put his pacifier back in his mouth but right now he is more interested in teething on it than sucking on it. We are sure it'll be some time before he's able to find it in the middle of the night and put it back in
- He has such strong legs. He can pull himself up from sitting when he's holding onto us. We are sure it'll be awhile before he can pull up on furniture - thank goodness
- He loves everyone at daycare and everyone loves him too. The kids bring him toys all day long and put his paci in if he's upset...it's so cute! He is by far the youngest but not for long. 2 babies will be joining daycare early next year
- He has slept through the night (the whole night) twice in the last 2 weeks from about 8 to 6 am but its not the norm (unfortunately)
6 month photos!
We just took his 6 month professional photos and we cannot wait to get all of them back. Levi will be the star of our holiday card this year, of course! Here is a preview!
Happy 6 months Levi!!