Friday, November 16, 2012

What we've been up to

We've been up to a lot since our last post. I went back at work and its going pretty well so far. Daddy was able to spend 3 days a week at home with Levi while I was working (more on that in abother blog post written by daddy).

It was by far the longest I've been away from him, but things went better than expected. I was a little sad the day before, but it made it easier knowing that Levi was home with Daddy. I was lucky enough to receive a few pictures on my first day at work, which cheered me up!

Levi and Mommy before I left for the day
The Giants are world champs again this year, and we were able to partake in all of the action. Our friends from birth class, Jason, Kendra & Harry are die hard baseball fans and asked if he wanted to to to the Giants Playoff game against the St. Louis Cardinals. So we decided to be spontaneous and headed up to the city for the game. Proves that you can be spontaneous when you have kids...well at least when there is just one :)

One of my favorites

Little buds

The boys will be much more into the game one day

All 6 of us Giants fans


In other recent events, the Rosenfelds came into down for a long weekend. My mom came up for a couple of days to visit while I was still off on Mondays and Tuesdays. I helped to throw a baby shower for our friends. We've been busy!

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