Thursday, July 26, 2012

Levi is 6 weeks old!

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. The last few weeks have flown by. We are definitely getting into the swing of things with Jeff back to work. Last week was my first week entirely on my own and it went pretty well. Levi is such an easy going baby so its been a (relatively) seamless transition although we always have our moments. We get out and about at least once each day running errands, meeting up with friends for lunch, going to mom groups, etc. Anything to help keep the day moving in anticipation for daddy to get home from work. I will speak for Jeff for a moment and say that he works diligently to be able to get home to us as soon as he can.

Levi has been a busy little guy, so here are some highlights:
  • He has already had 2 baths and really doesn't mind them until we have to wash his hair and take him out of the bath. So far no waterfalls during bath time
  • He has a lot more awake time each day and we love being able to play with him more
  • He is talking up a storm! And there is sometimes a fine line between talking and crying
  • He just started smiling and boy is it a melt your heart smile
  • He interacts with his toys on his jumper quite a bit and smiles and talks when he hits them. His face just lights up!
  • He is really starting to love his play mat. Tummy time - not so much
  • He is a great eater (even with his squeals (aka impatience) during feedings). We introduced the bottle at 4 weeks, so Jeff is able to feed him once a day. We are thankful that he is taking a bottle now for when I go back to work in October
  • Our little guy is not a burper. And you know what that means... We only get a burp every once in awhile
  • He absolutely loves his pacy and practically asks for it with his hands and mouth
  • He has gotten to meet quite a lot of our friends and seems to enjoy being held by almost anyone. We hope that means that he will be a social little guy!
  • We have been lucky enough to get some longer stretches of sleep over the last week. Sometimes as much as 6 hours between feedings. Mommy (especially) and daddy love it!
We had his 6 week doctors visit in anticipation of our upcoming travel to L.A. and Hilton Head:
  • As of Friday, he weighs 10 pounds, 11 ounces and is 23 inches long. No problem eating for little Levi
  • He got his first shots and handled them pretty well after the first moment of shock where he turned red as a tomato before letting out a scream. He has recovered really well and hasn't gotten any fever or noticeably soreness. He has slept a lot the last couple of days but is more himself today - talking and smiling
Last weekend we hosted our birth class reunion at the house and had 11 parents and 6 babies between 3 and 12 weeks old over at the house. It was so much fun to see all of the little ones and all of their developing personalities. There are 2 boys and 4 girls so Levi and Harry were having a field day with all of the lady babie. We think he is going to be quite the ladies man :)

A few photos for your viewing pleasure!

First bath

Levi taking his first bottle from daddy 
Levi hanging onto the ring on his play mat
Levi cuddling with mommy
Levi with the lady babies and his buddy Harry (far right) from birth class

If you are interested, we've posted a few videos to YouTube. Check them out here.